• Bonjour,

    Super le site sur Eartha.

    J'aime les chansons exotiques et les langes étrangères, j'aime
    particulièrement ses versions de Uskudar 'a (que je cherche d'ailleurs
    par d'autres chanteurs turques mais sans succès) j'aime aussi Romania
    Romania, Shango, Sholem et tout le reste bien sur
    ses interpretation en français me font bien rire

    Pouruoi Eartha ?  pour son charme son charisme son humour et sa voix

    Par Google j'ai essayé de visiter plusieurs site sur elle, je
    cherchais à savoir quel était l'origine des ses parents J'ai entendu
    tellement de choses sur elle... Je ne sais d'ailleur toujours pas si
    ele est moitié américaine et moitié je ne sais quoi !

     Quel est votre degré de fanitude d'Eartha ?

    on va dire 10 sur 10, J'ai toujours préféré les voix de femmes

    1 commentaire

  • I enjoyed your site very much - especially being able to hear Eartha's old songs.

    1 commentaire

  • I hope it's OK to answer in English, par-ce-que mon francais et trés mal. I could translate the two songs Rosenkyssar /Kisses of Roses/ and Vid kajen /By the (harbour) Edge/ from Swedish to English if you want to. Her Swedish is a bit strange, so here and there I still can't hear what she is actually singing (and I am a native Swede), but I will try to to listen very carefully to those few lines.
    A very big thank for your fantastic website! I really enjoy it!

    1 commentaire

  • Bonjour / Hello Guillaume,

    A week ago I put  the song 'In Surabaya'  [also called Surabaya Johnny] on internet. I saw that you were the first  one who downloaded it. I possess the song already for a lot of years. In the book [and box] with the 5 CD's Earthaquake they said it was lost and unissued.  But  I got a copy of the song from a friend of mine..It's a recording of a french video. I only posess the sound track . not the video.
    I'm a fan of Eartha since I was 14  in 1958. Then I heard on the radio the songs Shango and  Just and old fashioned  girl.. I have a lot of CD's and LP's of Eartha but that friend of mine has much much more of her. He's now a personal friend of Eartha. [...] So I found your BEAUTIFULL  eartha web page [...]
    This was it for now. I hope you enjoy the song  In  Surabaya and there's following some more the coming weeks.

    Greetings/au revoir [je peut m'aider en Francais mais mon Anglais est mieux[sorry]]

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